I'm just going to come right out and say it, I hated July's shower gel, Bath & Body Works' Sparkling Limoncello!

With key notes of: Sparkling Lemon, Sugared Mint, Fresh Verbena, Orange Blossom, and Italian Cedarwood, BBW describes this scent as, "a refreshing blend of sparkling lemon, sugared mint & fresh verbena."

I heard great things about the Limoncello line, and I was looking forward to a revitalizing, lemony-citrus body wash. However, what I got was something that was nowhere in the spectrum of fresh. The verbena totally overpowered the lemon, and I'm okay with that. But, what killed it for me was the overpowering sweetness of the scent. What a horrible combination! A sugary note could work with lemon, but it doesn't mingle well with verbena, at all!

I would lather, and rise myself off, as quickly as I could to keep my exposure to the fragrance at a minimum (fearing it would cause a migraine). 

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